Brand Identity: Common Mistakes About It and Ways to Fix It

Your brand identity will become a potent tool for connecting with your clients if you get these graphics right. You can communicate the right message to potential leads and clients if these visuals are well done.

Both large and small businesses must be aware that they have made a mistake. Even while the occasional oversight is rarely catastrophic, you must identify and resolve these problems immediately. 

This post addresses the most typical brand identification errors and prevention tips.

1. Undefined Target Audience

It differs from the goal of a strong brand identity to appeal to all consumers. If you think everyone would appreciate your work, you should instantly abandon this notion. On the other side, a strong brand identity helps you engage in conversations with the right people—those who are most likely to use your goods and services.

Finding the target audience is the first step in effective communication. Your ideal customer's objectives and wants can be identified and understood with a buyer persona. It will also assist you in developing a plan for effectively interacting with these clients.

Using metrics from previous sales, website traffic, and social media engagement, you can also identify your ideal client. Surveys, field tests, and interviews can also be helpful. 

2. Website Experience's Poor

Visitors to websites will leave if there are annoying pop-ups, low-resolution images, or unresponsive web pages. Nobody builds subpar websites on purpose. However, these problems frequently occur when a company's online presence needs to be prioritised.

Remember that even if your website appears to work correctly on your MacBook, your customers may not experience this. Your website must be accessible from all platforms because approximately half of all website traffic comes from mobile devices.

Just as you should do it with your logo design, you should do it with your website design. Utility and simplicity must always come first.

As a result, you must regularly test the functionality of your website. You should always consider how specific designs and layouts will appear on smartphones and tablets, even though they may look great on a desktop. Additionally, interactive graphics might seem like a brilliant idea, but you must watch out that they don't irritate users by delaying page loads.

3. Got Lousy Brand Logo

It emphasises that you cannot and should not accept less for your logo. Why? Because your logo represents your complete branding strategy. Why should your customers care if you don't care enough to do it correctly? 

Your company's logo needs to be more than just attractive. It must offer details about your business and its traits. After all, your brand's actions will be connected with your logo. Because of this, a beautiful logo will only be effective if it reflects your brand.

Together, effective writing and images can say more with less. With the design of your brand logo, avoid being overly elaborate or precious. Keep your mission statement to the most straightforward possible explanations.


Launching a product or website does not mark the end of effective branding. The process is ongoing and changes over time and branding errors cannot be prevented. Your company's brand identity can be its most valuable asset if you stay vigilant and consistently work on it. 

If you're looking for branding companies in Dublin that are vigilant with these mistakes, Brand Elevation is the best for you! We are a results-driven branding agency specialising in brand strategy, brand activation, and promotional material. Elevate your brand with us now!


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