Why Use Branded Merchandise to Market Your Business

Branding is important for businesses because it helps create customer recognition and loyalty. Good branding can make customers remember a business and what it stands for, making them more likely to choose that business over others. Branding can also be used to communicate the identity of a business and what it offers, making it an important tool for marketing.

Creating a strong brand identity is essential for any business if you want to create a lasting impression on your customers. One way to do this is by offering branded merchandise and promotional products. This will help to get your name out there and make your brand more recognisable. Here are some reasons why you should invest in branding merchandise:

1. To Promote Your Business

There's no better way to get your brand out there than through branded merchandise. It's a tangible way to advertise that appeals to all the senses, making it a truly unique and memorable experience for customers. Plus, it's a great way to get people talking about your company.

This marketing method also shows you are committed to quality and customer satisfaction. Investing in high-quality, well-designed products will make a good first impression on new customers.

2. To Enhance Brand Awareness

The only way giving away branded merchandise makes sense is if the products you give away will improve your customers' lives somehow. If all you're planning on giving away are business cards, you should rethink your strategy. Give away items that your customers will find useful, like umbrellas, t-shirts, and flash drives bearing your brand. These items are much more valuable than an embossed business card and are more likely to be received with enthusiasm.

Giving out free merch is a great way to create a positive brand association. Customers will see your brand name and logo and associate it with the free, helpful merch they received from you. This is a great marketing technique for people to remember your brand and feel positive.

3. To Increase Customer Loyalty

More than 70 per cent of customers are willing to purchase a product from a brand after they've received a gift, according to a survey by the British Promotional Association. If your business isn't already taking advantage of these figures, you need to. Handing out free branded merchandise to customers makes them feel valued and appreciated and will likely win you many more loyal customers.

4. To Market in a Convenient Way

Promotional branded merchandise is easy to get your brand name out there. You can hand out branded pens, notebooks, and key holders at events or give them away for free with purchases. This will help get your brand name into people's hands and increase brand awareness. Designing and printing custom reusable shopping bags to give new customers is a great way to be eco-friendly and promote your store.


There are many benefits to using branded merchandise to market your business. Branded merchandise can help you build brand awareness, create a positive association with your brand, and increase customer loyalty. Additionally, branded merchandise can effectively reach new customers and promote your business at events and tradeshows.

Brand Elevation is a results-driven branding agency in Dublin, specialising in brand strategy, brand activation and promotional material. If you want to make sure that your brand’s marketing strategy creates the results you want, we’re here to help you achieve that. Get in touch with us today and let’s talk about your brand!


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