7 Important Questions to Ask When Hiring a Brand Agency

Marketing is a fundamental business practice because it helps businesses to identify and target potential customers and promote their products or services to those customers to generate sales. Marketing can also help companies to build customer relationships, leading to repeat business and increased brand loyalty. Of course, marketing can't be done without proper materials, which are made through branding. 

Branding is the process of creating and maintaining a unique identity for a product or company. This includes the development of a name, logo, tagline, and other elements that will be used to communicate the company's message to its target audience. Naturally, branding is time-consuming, which most company heads may have little to no time for. The good news is that a branding agency can help, but you shouldn't hire the first one you see because you must ask specific questions to ensure they're up for the job. These include: 

#1 - What Kind of Branding Agency Are You? 

There are two types of branding agencies: creative and strategic. A creative agency focuses on the design aspect of branding, while a strategic agency focuses on its research and strategy. It's important to know which type of agency you're dealing with because you'll get very different results from each. A creative agency may produce a great logo, but it won't do much good if it doesn't align with your company's mission or target audience.

On the other hand, a strategic agency will take the time to learn about your company, your target audience, and your goals before developing a branding strategy to help you achieve them.

#2 - What Branding Approach Will Align with Our Goals?

There are many different branding approaches that agencies can take. Finding an agency that will take a strategy that aligns with your company's goals is crucial. For example, if your goal is to increase brand awareness, you'll want an agency specialising in brand awareness campaigns. If your goal is to increase sales, you'll want an agency specialising in sales-focused branding.

#3 - How Does Research Factor in Your Work?

Research is critical for effective branding. A good agency will extensively research your company, target audience, and the competition before developing a branding strategy. This research will help them identify your company's unique selling proposition, understand your target audience's wants and needs, and create a branding strategy to help you achieve your goals.

#4 - How Far Will Your Branding Services Take Our Company?

The best branding agencies will help you take your brand to the next level. They'll work with you to develop a long-term branding strategy that considers your company's goals and objectives. They'll also work with you to create a branding roadmap that outlines the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. 

#5 - What Other Services Do You Offer Aside from Branding? 

While branding is the primary focus of a good branding agency, they often offer other services that can help your company succeed. These services might include web design, graphic design, copywriting, marketing, and social media services.

#6 - How Will You Protect Our Brand after the Launch?

After you've launched your refreshed brand, you'll need to protect it. A good branding agency will help you do that. They'll work with you to create a brand identity guidelines document that outlines how you should use your new brand. They'll also help you create a brand protection plan to ensure your brand is used consistently and appropriately across all channels.

#7 - How Much Do You Charge?

The cost of a branding project can vary greatly depending on the project’s size and the scope of work. If you're working with a large company with an extensive rebranding project, it could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, if you're a small business with a limited budget, you can expect to pay a few thousand dollars for a complete branding project.


Working with a branding agency is crucial to create a strong, cohesive brand identity for your business. Branding agencies have the experience and expertise to help you create a unique, memorable brand that will resonate with your target audience. As such, you must find one that fits your business.

If you’re looking for a branding agency in Dublin, Brand Elevation can help you! We understand the needs of businesses, so our branding professionals develop solutions to ensure your goals are met. Contact us today at 086 750 9001 or via email at info@brandelevation.ie and allow us to assist you!


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