Best Tips for Creating Promotional Materials for Your Business

Creating promotional materials for your business is not as easy as it sounds. There are a lot of considerations to make to ensure that you'll get the results you want from your output.

To help you out, our creative agency in Dublin shares some tips to follow when creating promotional materials:

Determine Your Target Audience First

When creating any promotional material, it's crucial to determine your target audience first. This will allow you to focus better on your efforts and create material that is more likely to resonate with your intended audience.

Some things to consider when determining your audience include:

  • Demographics: What is the age, gender, location, etc. of your target audience?

  • Interests: What are the interests and hobbies of your target audience?

  • Needs: What needs does your target audience have that your product or service can address?

When you have a clearer understanding of your target audience, you can start creating promotional material that is tailored to them. 

Consider the Visual Hierarchy of Elements in Your Promotional Material

It's also essential to consider the visual hierarchy of the elements you include. This is the order in which the viewer's eye will move across the page and how easy it will be for them to spot and process the information you're trying to communicate.

There are key things to remember when thinking about your promotional material's visual hierarchy. First, use contrast to your advantage. Ensure that the most important elements are visually distinct from the rest of the content. This could mean using a different color, font, or size for key text or adding images or other graphics that will break up the text.

Second, use grouping and spacing to organize the content in a way that makes sense. Group similar elements, and leave plenty of white space around them so they're easy to pick out. Again, this will help the viewer's eye to move naturally across the page and take in the information you want them to see.

Finally, think about the overall layout of the page. The way you arrange the content will also affect the visual hierarchy, so take some time to experiment with various layouts and see what works best.

Follow the 3-Second, 30-Second, and 3-Minute Rule

When creating promotional materials, it's crucial to keep your audience in mind. You want to develop materials that are easy to understand and digest. To help you out, here are some tips to follow:

The 3-Second Rule: Your materials should be understood in just a few seconds. This is especially important for things like social media posts and ads.

The 30-Second Rule: If someone is going to take the time to read your materials, you want to ensure they're engaging and informative. Aim for materials that can be read in 30 seconds or less.

The 3-Minute Rule: For longer materials like e-books or blog posts, aim for a 3-minute read time. This will help ensure your prospects have the time to read and digest your content.


Creating promotional materials for your business is a great way to increase brand awareness and attract new customers. There are many things to weigh when making these materials, such as your target audience and overall marketing goals. By taking your time in carefully planning and designing your promotional materials carefully, you can create powerful and effective marketing tools that will help your business succeed. You should also work with a reputable design agency in Dublin that can help you achieve the promotional material you want for your business.

Brand Elevation is a creative agency in Dublin that can help you with your brand strategy, including creating promotional material for your company. Get in touch with our creative pros to know more about our services!


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