9 Crucial Dos and Don'ts of Using Promotional Products

Every marketer knows that the key to closing a deal is to impress your prospects. There are numerous types of promotional products you can use for your marketing campaign. But how do you know which one is the most effective? Here are some crucial do’s and don’ts of using promotional products for your company.


1. Use Branded Merchandise

Using branded merchandise such as bags or pens will help you make your prospect remember your company and product. Even if they already have a bag or a pen, your branded merchandise will remain on their mind. For instance, if your product is more affordable than other competitors, and your client usually buys from the latter, you might hand out bags to your prospects. Compared to the branded bags of other brands, your company’s bags will automatically seem better and more affordable to them.

2. Understand Your Audience

To make your campaign a success, you need to know your target market. Is it children, men, women or both? Do your prospects belong to a certain culture or religion? What are their preferences? Once you know your target customers, you can buy the right custom product to make them remember your brand.

3. Get Attention

Choose consumer items that people want to take home. Choose colourful products that appeal to your audience’s aesthetics. Brand your merchandise to draw attention and allow yourself to be creative and different.

4. Make Sure Your Distributors Are Comfortable

Remember that your distributors are essential in your campaign. You need to make sure that your distributors know precisely how to deliver the merchandise to your customers properly. You might also want to instruct your distributors to display your promotional products.


5. Spend a Lot

It is better to give away more products than to have one expensive item in your company’s inventory. Make sure that your products are within your budget, yet appealing to your target customers. Otherwise, you might see them being sold on eBay or Craigslist.

6. Skimp on Quality

Just because you will hand out your promo products to your prospects free of charge doesn’t mean you should go for the low-quality ones. Choose products with a great feel, good quality and pleasing colours to create a good impression of your product.

7. Wait Until the Last Minute to Order

Don’t wait until the last minute to get your customised products if you have a deadline to meet. If you need your merchandise on time, order them as early as possible to avoid any delays in production.

8. Buy Overdone Items

With so many choices, you might be tempted to buy over-the-top items that cost a fortune. But if you want to save on your marketing budget, stick to items that sell well and that your audience will appreciate.

9. Complicate Distribution

Although you intend to make your prospects remember your brand, don’t complicate giving out your promotional products. Keep it simple and easy. Don’t give them too many things to carry and put them in the inconvenience of dividing items to those they like most.

Promote & Succeed!

Employing the power of promotional products for your marketing campaign effectively increases brand recognition and loyalty. Now that you know the do’s and don’ts that you should consider when choosing your promotional items, you can entertain your audience and make them remember your company. 

Do you need branded merchandise in Dublin? Brand Elevation specialises in promotional materials. Get in touch with us!


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